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Friday, December 3, 2010

4 Reasons To Buy A Home During The Holidays

Real estate sales and mortgage loan transactions tend to slow way down during the winter holidays. This phenomenon is certainly understandable – there is enough going on with holiday shopping, traveling, parties, cooking, and decorating without adding a move. But before you pack it in and close up shop until after New Years consider these reasons to buy a home during the holidays:

1) Get A Great Deal – Anxious sellers with homes on the market are likely thinking their chances of selling during November or December are slim. You may be able to get an even lower price accepted at this time of year. Consider the cost of 2 – 3 additional mortgage payments and maintaining the home for that time. There is also the added value of the peace of mind for the sellers that comes with closing before the new year.

2) Undivided Attention – Because home sales decline during the holidays both real estate agents and mortgage professionals are less busy and will be able to devote more time and energy to the deals they are working on. It is good to consider holiday closings and vacations that may be scheduled and to be up front about how this might affect the time line of the purchase.

3) Available Contractors – If a home requires some work before it can be moved into this is an ideal time of year to have it done. Most general contractors and specialists such as electricians, painters, roofers, and plumbers are not very busy around the holidays. Most home owners don’t want to undertake a home improvement project with the holidays looming and risk serving Thanksgiving dinner with a torn up kitchen, or having work done on the house while the in-laws are in town for Hanukkah. Have the pick of the professionals in the area and possibly a discount as well by getting projects started now.

4) Time Off – While moving might not be the most relaxing way to spend the time around the holidays it is convenient in that it’s a time when many people have vacation from work and school. If the office is closed for a few days around the holidays it could be an ideal time to move and start the new year in the new house! For moves scheduled before the holidays homeowners with children should be sure to head off their kids’ fears and include Santa when updating everyone with the new address.

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